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2013-03-11 19:02:45 -0700

well here goes nothing. one month ago i moved 350 miles to start a new life. this guy we will call him mark asked me to move in with him and i said yes. i quit my full time fob after 3 years gave up my aparment i had this for 5 years. Mark owes me 1,500 dollars. he is also in recovery 5 years. and is 11 years younger han me. maybe this brothers him i dont know. it seam latley the only time he talks to me is when he wants something. and not sex. because we have not had sex with each other. so i guess im just very confused of what his intentios are. i thought he asked me to move in with him because he wanted to be with me. mark also rufuses to give up his xfuck friends that he used and lived with. there is one who he talks to well more than me. he keeps giving her his ph# when ever it get changed. the place im staying at my name is not on the lease and the lanlord wont put it on the lease due to my past. i have missdermeniors 3 to (hindering and resieting arrest back in 1997). he says i can stay here but i cant find a job and i have less than 5oo. n savings and shrinking. i dont know what to do. i want to just take every thing back. put every thing in a bag and leave with what i can carry. i really feel stuck between a rock and a hard place. i try to keep my hopes up and my head up but thats even hard to do at times. would some one please give me the truth. what would you do???????

snoopyfreetwo's picture


custodian's picture

Maybe his intentions are different than yours. Maybe he just cares about you as a friend.
Are you actively looking for a job?

cfrman's picture

I would pack and move. It appears that his intentions were completely different then that of your.

I hope this comment finds you in a better place than you shared about.

I have found that communication straight out of the starting gates is the best. Let the person know what it is that you are looking for with the situation from both sides and stick to it.

You have to look out for number one and that is you. Do not let anyone or anyting jeopardize your sobriety.

Jody Alifff