Anonymous Online Sponsorship

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Public Group Discription: 

This group is for those seeking a sponsor whether it be temporary or long term. We are here to help walk you through the 12 steps of Alcoholics Anonymous & or Narcotics Anonymous. As well as helping you keep a journal to keep track of your success which we will encourage you to go back & read it after a year of sobriety.

What you can expect from our sponsors:
Our Sponsors are ppl you can call on when you need emotional support or feel threatened by relapse. We will respond without judgment or criticism by teaching you the language of AA/NA, encouraging you to continue working your recovery program, providing emotional support by staying in regular contact and sharing our experience of recovery.

What We expect from our sponsees:
To be Honest & Open-minded.
To focus on your recovery, & to apply the three main criteria of the 12 Step program when working through the Steps.
Having an attitude of willingness, being honest and open-minded will help you:
a) The 12 Steps are a set of suggestions so nothing in them is set in stone. You are entitled to your own experiences of them and can apply them how you see fit for your recovery. If there is material in the Steps you do not agree with, disregard it and move on; you may understand its value at a later stage in your recovery process.

Recovery Program: 
Membership Status: 
Open Group

Anonymous Online Sponsorship Activities

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